In Provo, a steep hillside lot inspires daring architecture and interior spaces that are equally ingenious and inviting.
Warm and modern don’t usually go hand-in-hand, but in the case of Provo homeowners Gerry and Shana Hart’s new hillside home, it’s a magical combination. From the dining room (see interior photo below), visitors can see as far as the Spanish Fork windmills to the south.With the help of CopperHAUS, the Harts opted to fill their new home with the vintage furnishings and flea-market finds they had collected while living in New York and Oklahoma. Instead of a typical butler’s pantry, the homeowners opted for a kitchen nook—open on two sides to access the kitchen and dining room easily—to hold the refrigerator, oven, microwave and storage. All lines point to the views.Blackbox Design Studios built the Hart home on an undeveloped mountain point that overlooks Utah Lake and all of Utah County.Read the print story in its entirety here.