Without subtracting the historic influence, a recent addition and revamping to a historic miner’s home in lower Old Town Park City opened up a sleek, bright, connected living space. An award ribbon graces the porch support, and it acknowledges home’s historically sensitive remodeling approach.
We've loved decorating with blue for a number of years now, and Sherwin-Williams is predicting our passion for this color will continue in 2018. The Sherwin-Williams color pros just tagged Oceanside as the color of the year for 2018.
One of the challenges a designer can face is to start with a highly identifiable home, and to demonstrate the home’s potential beyond the style and furnishings most associate with it. The owner of the Utah Jazz is selling a home designed to entertain that has hosted people from throughout the Valley and around the world.
This week I have a captive audience. The American Society of interior Designers (ASID) holds its Western Conference at Deer Valley on Friday. I have the privilege of speaking to them an hour before dinner. To keep their minds off what’s on the menu, I am attempting make the work of architectural photography sound intriguing.
It takes a village to build a home. The architects compose the perfect structure, the contractors puzzle pieces into shape and the engineers wire it alive. And, of course, there are the interior designers. They work with the team, finessing functionality while creating the unique personality and special features...
As a child growing up in the Mount Olympus Cove neighborhood of Millcreek, Eric Overton spent his days in the abundance of nature in his backyard—the slopes of of the Wasatch Range.