Tag: decorating inspiration

Comfort and contemporary, nature-inspired design makes stylish living a shore thing.
Whether he cuts them from his garden or picks them at the farmers market, floral designer Conner Nesbit of Leuca Floral waits all year for fresh-cut dahlias. It’s no wonder he’s diligent about extending their lives in the vase. His three small tricks make a big difference.
Fireside seating takes many forms, shapely garden benches included.
Ready to spend some time outdoors, but want to spruce up your entertaining space? Watch this for tips on furniture, fire pits and style to take your outdoor patio to the next level.
Do your bookshelves need a fresh look for the spring? Do you want to showcase more than just books on the shelves? Here are 5 tips from Denton House for creating a stylish look. Denton House www.dentonhouse.com 4670 Holladay Blvd E, Holladay, UT 84117 801.333.8156
Do your bookshelves need a fresh look for the spring? Do you want to showcase more than just books on the shelves? Here are 5 tips from Denton House for creating a pretty and primped look.