Tag: apartment living

Everyone knows that the residences surrounding Central Park in New York City aren’t affordable. A short five years after building Central Park, the neighboring properties soured in value to become exclusive. However, in Utah's "Central Park" terms, the Central Park Condominium project I am talking is affordable housing. Affordable housing...
A new mixed-use development is underway for offices and residences that will change the tone of the kicked-back area near West High in Salt Lake City. It is good news for people who want to live near where they work, and that is a growing number as fewer people are willing to engage in long congested commutes.
I realize that it’s important to resist telling teenagers how fast they are growing up, but is it equally annoying to carry on how fast Salt Lake City is becoming a sophisticated city? Those were my thoughts when I photographed 4th West in Salt Lake City, a new apartment complex...