Necessity is the mother of invention. This phrase certainly rings true for Sabrina Gardner, who recently started her company Salt, an organization business that specializes in custom acrylic drawer inserts along with a curated selection of other stylish storage products, instruction and mentoring. In March 2020, Gardner and her family had just moved into a new home in Alpine, and she was overwhelmed by stacks of unpacked boxes, a world-rocking pandemic and four kids at home from school. Gardner craved a sense of control and calm, and she discovered it in becoming organized. But when it came to her drawers, she found little on the market that helped her marshal their contents in a personalized, orderly manner.

“I thought somebody has to have a customized drawer organizer, but there really wasn’t anything that worked for me,” she recalls. So Gardner spent the next 18 months designing and developing a selection of customizable acrylic drawer inserts that she describes as game-changers. With names like Emily, Emiline and Lindsey, nods to impactful people in Gardner’s life, her 40 uniquely configured inserts are sparkling acrylic, which is not only pretty, high-quality and recyclable, but also allows customers to clearly see a drawer’s contents, unlike mass-marketed opaque options. Plus, each insert is customized to its user’s drawer dimensions. The perks of organized drawers are many, Gardner explains. “They are empowering: They save you time and energy spent looking for things and save you from spending money on things you already have.” They’re also gratifying. “An organized drawer is truly a joy to open,” says Gardner, who cleverly took something universally aggravating and turned it into something she and the rest of us can celebrate each and every day.
We’ve got even more design ideas and inspiration here!