Heroes shift in popularity through time. I think of the hats and costumes of my childhood: army combat; sailors; cowboys, jungle guides, caped superheroes, and the list goes on. But right now, COVID-19 has made heroes of the doctors, nurses, aides, technicians, researchers; and this list goes on, as well. All risk their lives daily to viral exposure to diagnose and treat the mercurial, fickle and sometimes fatal and very contagious virus still raging through the world, and they do this to help us heal and relieve our suffering. Today I present a medical facility, home to some of these heroes, and a place for their good works.
Okland Construction recently finished building the Granger Medical Center with architecture by HKS, Inc. The photo above shows the entrances off the parking lot.
The street side offers a more private view of the building and demonstrates how the medical center fits into the complex of new midrise buildings.
The layered exterior can be appreciated from this view to a secondary side entrance.
The atrium lobby on the main floor soars two stories. The seating serves as a waiting area for clinics. Also on this floor is the Instant Care, a full pharmacy, and an optical shop.
Two floors above is second atrium lobby arranged in a similar fashion.
The Instant Care is efficiently staged to handle any emergency with pleasant but highly durable surfaces, wide hallways for gurneys and wheelchairs, and sliding doors at the entrance to treatment rooms that ensure hallways will not be obstructed.
The upstairs x-ray suite similarly has plenty of room to maneuver equipment, technicians, and patients and the floors and surfaces are tough to withstand abrasion and thorough cleaning but not forebodingly medical.
The upstairs examination rooms are similarly finished. Each room has two entrances: one for the patients and another for clinicians.
Photographing the medical center with physical therapy equipment and chemo infusion rooms is a reminder that although the news fixes our attention on the virus, people are still suffering devastating illnesses and injuries and need attention and treatment. Yet, the threat of the virus still hovers. Thank goodness treatment is available, and to medical professionals—you are amazing and I can’t find words for my respect and gratitude.
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