This week, I’m checking in on how everyone is doing meeting their New Year’s resolutions, particularly, “This year, I’m going to exercise more.” Before we begin, I will agree that it can be hard, really hard, but a resolution is a promise to the self, and after all, a promise is a promise.
Let’s review and discuss some of the excuses.

“It Isn’t fun.”
Perhaps, if you don’t find it fun, you aren’t exercising the right way in the right venue. The above two photos feature two different home recreation areas by Ezra Lee Design + Build. So, if your exercise routine isn’t fun, perhaps 12-foot leaps into a cushioned pit, a little rock climbing on cartoon-bright foot and hand holds, and an aerial jump on the trampoline might add a little gaiety to a tedious workout routine.Â

“I feel to cut off from what’s going on.”
This fitness room by Upland Development (Jesica and Ryan Taylor) challenges the custom of locating it in an out-of-the way corner. Instead, it is set just off the family room in a social part of the home; the wall is glass, and a glass door pivots open or shut, depending upon the degree of separation and privacy desired. It’s a great design not only for remaining part of household, but also for setting a good example.Â

“There’s nothing to look at.”
I can’t imagine ever getting tired of looking at the undulating waves of this wood slat ceiling of the fitness room by Tri City Construction (Dan Stewart) and trying to figure out how it was made. Additionally, the two TV screens offer different programs, and then, there is the canyon view outside. It’s Utah at its best.

“I like to spread out.”
With the width, depth, and ceiling height of this room (TriCity Construction, Linda Ashton), there is no sense of being confined, but if it’s more space you want, the glass wall slides away and it becomes part of the larger downstairs recreations space.Â

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“When I’m warmed up from my workout, I like to shoot a few hoops in the swimming pool.”
Alright, I might be reaching a little bit on this one, but it gives me a chance to show you a fitness room by Jaffa Group Design Build where a glass wall overlooks the pool. It gives the parents a great overlook to watch the kids play while they work out, and the water is pretty inviting to cool down or swim some laps afterwards.
Hopefully, I’ve offered a little inspiration for getting some more exercise, but if not that, perhaps spurred some thought toward remodeling that back bedroom into a fitness room. I hear remodeling is great exercise.
As Red Green, one of my favorite comedians would say, remember, I’m pulling for you.
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