If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to elevate the style of your candles, this is it.

Few things enhance the ambiance of the holiday season better than flickering candles, so why not heighten their appeal? Rather than setting pillar candles directly on your console or mantle, give them a lift with easy-to-make stands guaranteed to create a stylish boost. Here’s how:

  1. Buy a 4-inch by 4-inch post from a lumber or home improvement store. To create a multi-level display like that pictured here, have the post cut in assorted lengths varying from four- to eight -inches long. Make certain the cuts are square so that the base and tops are perfectly level enabling the piece can stand on end.
  2. Paint each stand and let dry.
  3. Place the stands on end and top with pillar candles. Choose candles of varied heights to increase the visual impact and rhythm of your display.

Need more holiday décor inspiration? See our tips and tricks!

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