Photo Friday

Keeping and attracting the best and brightest is currently a challenge of many employers. A local business chose to renovate the office with the goal of creating a great place to work. The location of the brick building is convenient and pleasant for employees at the northern edge of...
Some aspire to art for art’s sake, but this week I’m talking about adding art to a home in post-production for the photo’s sake. It’s just the nature of photographing architecture that art is sometimes not in place when I take the photos. In the opening photo, there was...
Call it transitional or modern meets traditional, but new traditionally designed homes show the influence of concurrent modern trends. With clean uncluttered lines, more refined natural wood and stone finishes, and lighter, softer colors, modern is certainly having its moment.  I’ve been photographing homes long enough to sound credible when...
In a resort area, many people term their second homes their play houses. It stands to reason that there should be ample space to recreate and enjoy chill time in a home intended for just that purpose.   Russell & Company Construction (Matt Russell, Salt Lake City) just finished building a...
The major topic of conversation everywhere is snow. It promises to be a great water year for spring gardening, but for now, we are living with the melting white stuff. No matter how much a person can try to comply with shrieks to wipe your feet, it’s near impossible...
It’s that time of year when Sundance breezes into the Wasatch Mountains with all its originality, creativity and excitement. Maneuvering around the Wasatch back, everyone is alert to spot stars at the gas station or in the grocery store line. Being star-struck with Hollywood has morphed to the theme...
Finally there has been a big snowfall, and I am not complaining about a little shoveling. Someone in my business said to think of it as styling snow: it just doesn’t look good where it is and would look much better if moved to someplace else.   Some, but not all...
In 1909, Salt Lake’s Hardware Building caught the attention of the region and the nation for its size, graceful brick construction, and the amount of inventory on hand, dramatically reducing the wait people in the Western states had for building products. In the 1990s, a demand for downtown office...
Many are loving the snow and are busy tuning up their gear to spend time outside, but I am catering this week to those with more avian tendencies, those who see the short days, gray skies, and frozen water as inspiration to escape south. This week I am featuring...
It’s the first of the year and a lot of us are putting our houses in order after the holidays and maybe in need of a little inspiration. As someone who likes to live big, this week I am providing big inspiration with a kitchen in a newly constructed,...